Mark of the Beast
>> Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Please read this article and then see below for commentary. This is important people!!!!
U.S. salmonella outbreak count hits 666 people sickened
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – An outbreak of salmonella food poisoning traced to peanut products has sickened 666 people and is continuing despite one of the biggest food recalls in U.S. history, health officials said on Tuesday.
But the outbreak of salmonella is still only linked to nine deaths, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement.
"To date, 19 clusters of infections in five states have been reported in schools and other institutions, such as long-term care facilities and hospitals. King Nut brand peanut butter was present in all facilities," the CDC said in a statement.
Blah ... Blah ... Blah
OK there is more to this story ... but you know have been armed with knowledge. Do not be deceived. Please note that 666 people have become sick ... so what does this mean to you and me? Connect the dots people!!!I don't want to be an alarmist, but do you think it is possible that the antichrist has come to us in the form of an adorable cartoon boy? Since childhood, we have all had peanut butter on our face or stuck in our whiskers at some point ... mark of the beast? Food for thought.
8 Groupies:
Ok now that's scary considering my almost three year old ONLY eats peanut butter and we have always used the peter pan one since she "liked" it in the store!! I REALLY need to find a list of the recalled items now!!
I am unsure if Peter Pan is involved in this recall or not, I am thinking not... He is just the most notable figure ... Remember it is not the peanut butter we should be worried about .. it is what the peanut butter represents
so those with a peanut allergy don't have to worry about the mark then?
It is the food that is made with the peanut butter PASTE. And if the idea of food paste doesn't gross you out, I don't know what does.
Also consider the imagery. Peter Pan leads the kids to never never land. A lie of a place where the parents never again see the kids? Could it be hell he is leading them to?
satan is genius! Damn him!
"unless you are a poser weenie, then forget it!"
hahahahahha. i had never noticed that before.
you're funny.
Happily munching on my peanutbutter bar that I brought to Ukraine for just such emergencies...
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