Jason Priestly Steroid Scandal
>> Friday, December 14, 2007
This is a sad day. On the heels of the Mitchell report involving steroid abuse in Major League Baseball, we are now being told that bigger fish are now being caught in this wide cast net.
Jason Priestly ... most well known for 90210 ... gets dragged through the mud. We all knew about Bonds, but Jason? Say it ain't so buddy ....
3 Groupies:
First and foremost, as RockStar's Groupie Manager, I would like to address the issue of steroid usage in regards to our very own...and very famous I might add, RockStar. While we have seen him bust a few too many guitars while goin' crazy on the stage...His "buffness" and "brawness" is purely due to his love of milk. Milk it does a body good, you know!
(Please do not ask any further questions regarding the abnormal strength of said rock star.)
To address the actual content of RockStar's post---Say it ain't so...Oh Jason, that's how he always had those open-shirt-buff-chest scenes. Way to burst my bubble!
Lol. That is hysterical! I was going to say... even if Jason was using steroids, would anyone care? What a very funny slip up! And if was using, my bubble too would be burst like "stepping"'s (whose comment was very funny.) Good eye Brian! Keep these things coming.
(steppingoutoftheboat's dh)...did you get a pic of my dw in the ROCKSTAR goggles...if so we NEED to see it!
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