Kumbaya, My Lord, Kumbaya

>> Saturday, October 20, 2007

Funny thing ... being a rock star. You know, just the other day, I was asked to give the top 10 songs on my iPod. It got me to thinking, if I actually owned an iPoo or some variation of one, and if the public is really dying to know what is on, or not on my iPoo, by golly I might as well give the public what it wants. The first song that came to my mind was Kumbaya.

If you are a Christian, or one step further, a Christian who has been to any kind of Christian camp, especially summer camp, you would know right away that this song isn't only an instant classic, and on my iPoo, but surely when it comes to ranking our work here on earth, God must rank this one up there with Amazing Grace, Old Rugged Cross, and other all time inspired greats, right?

This is where I start to struggle. See, secretly (not secret anymore) I don't know what God makes of Kumbaya. In theory the song is fan-tastic. Especially when sung in rounds. With lighters in the air ... and you have to have a headband on ... and John Lennon looking glasses .... you need to make a "V" with your fingers if anyone with a camera trys to snap a pic. That is what I think of Kumbaya. Unfortunately I don't really asscociate it with "Come by here" my Lord, but more with the peace, love and harmony movement of the 70's. Give peace a chance ... can't we a'll just get along, etc.

Someone is Laughing Lord ..... Kumbaya
Someone is Praying Lord ... Kumbaya
Someone is Crying Lord ... Kumbaya

Is it really about being comfortable? Being at peace? Fishing with dad on a saturday afternoon? What about ...

This diarrhea is tearing the arse out of me .... Kumbaya
My tax bill just came in, Lord ... Kumbaya

Or how about those around the world, not in our cozy pampered life?

My husband was just hacked to death in front of my eyes Lord ... Kumbaya
My hut was burnt to the ground Lord .... Kumbaya
Now I can not feed my children, they cry out in pain Lord ... Kumbaya.

Not so peaceful now, is it? See the problem with Americana is that we have confused the peace that passes all understanding with peace at all costs. We are afraid to say anything hurtful, scared to rock the boat, we don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. We just want to live our lives, hoping not to offend, and not to be offended. White picket fence, smokin' hot wife (I do have this by the way), 2 wonderful children, maybe a dog or a cat (your choice), Ford or Chevy in the garage (again I am not touching that arguement tonight).

When, through David his servant, God took down a giant (1 Samuel 17), was he singing Kumbaya?

When, through Moses his servant, God sent 10 plagues upon Egypt (Exodus 7-11), was he singing Kumbaya?

Au Contraire you say. That is old testament. Jesus is all about the peace. Well that brings me to the red letters of Matthew 10:34. Jesus says "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." Don't forget when he got a little crazy (righteously crazy of course) and flipped over the money changer tables in front of the temple (Matthew 21:12-17)

See, being a Christian is not about sitting around on your tuckus trying to make as many MySpace friends, and as few enemies, as possible. We all see the starving Ethiopians on TV ... what are we doing about it? Poverty in our hemisphere in the form of Haiti ... who has been there? We see how ravaged and gruesome the war is for the citizens of Iraq. Forget about where you or I stand on the war, this is not about elephants and donkeys, there are children and families calling out. Are we doing more than muttering "Poor Things" under our breath?

I am JUST as guilty here ... believe me. Some feel that just to know who God is is enough, believing that Christ died for my sins is my ticket, now can I go back to me now? OUR world may be at peace, but is the WHOLE world at peace?

Personally, I am sick of people telling me how to live my life. You have a problem with me adopting every child I can? You have a problem with world overpopulation? You have a problem with my family living paycheck to paycheck? Don't bother me with your whinning. Take it up with God because HE is the conductor of our orchestra, HE has set straight our path, HE knows whether there will be more children in my family than hairs on my head ... joking, but you get the point.

Stop living for yourself and judging others. What kind of life is that? Pick up the sword of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It may not be easy. You may be mocked, you may be scoffed at. Trust me ... people may think you are a little off your rocker (unless like me, you are a rocker)... but then again, when is life ever entirely peaceful?

Kumbaya indeed.

3 Groupies:

Anonymous October 21, 2007 at 3:11 PM  

I could not have said it better myself, my friend

Anonymous October 22, 2007 at 10:10 AM  

Kumbaya! Oh man, the memories. Growing up a Christian kid in the 70's and 80's ... its scary to look back on and remember some of that stuff.
Love the blog, I'm now a Brian Groupie.

Natalie October 23, 2007 at 5:10 PM  

Hmmm, Brian, I think you have just inspired my next post...you've got to read the book I told Courtney about by the way...

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