
>> Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I don't know if any of you have a time in your past that you look upon with great fondness. Such a fondness that when you die and are lit on fire and become ashes, a place in your past, in time, where you wish you could ship those ashes because you know they would be happy there. I grew up on a camp. My father ran a christian camp from age 2 (my age not his) to 16 and then I continued to work there until I tricked my wife into thinking I was cool.

If I could send my burned up body's remains anywhere in time, I think I would like to send them back to camp, circa anytime between the late 80's and 1993. I think this pic comes from 91 or 92 ...

Yep, that's the rockstar standing on top of something, sticking his butt in the face of the other dude who is giving anyone who looks at this picture the 'ole stinkeye.

There is the kid who I wrestled with and accidentally broke a bone in his foot and then we lied about it (for no real reason) to our elders to not get us in trouble.

The one with the motorcycle from England who thought it would be fun to bungie jump so he tried it for the first time cheap in some contest and ended up on espn representing his country in some extreme sports show (can't make that up)

There is the other kid I ran over with a tractor, and if not for my quick reaction after an awful decision, was one turn of a massive tire from having his head squished like a grape

The guy with the blue hair named "Goo" ('nuff said)

The kid who's sister I scrubbed pots with for what seemed like an eternity in hell everytime a big retreat group rolled into town.

The boy with the red, white, and blue braces who was sailing a boat next to my sailboat that one time I lost my mind and jumped on his mast from my boat mid sail and "turtled" his boat (with the help of a counselor accomplice) ...

My racist guatemalan friend with whom I would always fake fierce racist arguements with until those pesky elders caught us at it, thought we were really both racist, and had to "talk" to us about loving all kinds of people while we literally cried tears of laughter on the inside. I almost drowned from the inside out that day.

Yep. Light me on fire, grind down my bones and ship me back to 92. Then build a fire up by that cross (you know who you are who know what I am saying) throw me on top and watch me burn again.

Now that's living.

7 Groupies:

Leneita Fix March 12, 2009 at 6:07 AM  

You forgot that you got stuck with one of your now oldest friends (me) because of camp ...Oh and then there is always the taffy.... I miss the boardwalk!!!!

The RockStar March 12, 2009 at 7:42 AM  

I would never forget you. You were not in this picture :-)

Also I am forbidden to speak of the peanut butter taffy

I also miss the boardwalk .... and oddly all of NJ every once and a while!

Kimberly March 12, 2009 at 7:57 AM  

Ahh...Rockstar, I too look back with fondness on my old camp memories. Now if I could just find that darn power cord to my scanner, I could introduce you to my peeps!

crispy March 12, 2009 at 3:49 PM  

I have FANTASTIC memories of camp. I think every kid should go. Great place and great memories. My camp is in Wisconsin and I sent my kids their 2 years ago for 2 night camp "start". They loved it too.

Burkulater March 12, 2009 at 5:48 PM  

Camp rocks...unless it's Cornerstone Music Festival. I would rather sleep on a hill in a tent with 13 girls and be second to the bottom spooning Laura, in 95 degree weather for 5 days, and stand in line for 3 hours to take a nasty shower, and swim in a lake with crap and chiggers...

Oh wait, that was Cornerstone.

Burkulater March 12, 2009 at 5:49 PM  

...oh yeah...and do my bidness in port-a-potties overflowing with...

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