My Time Has Come

>> Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Well after reading THIS post, and then reading THIS post, I was starting to think that the whole world had gone absolutely mad ... I mean Milli Vanilli? NKOTB? Are you joking me? This is what we have to get excited about as a society? And then it happened. Today is a glorious day for rockstars everywhere. The one I have been waiting for has occured ladies and gentlemen, the unthinkable has happened, because according to THIS SPECTACTULAR ARTICLE, STP is back baby .....

3 Groupies:

Anonymous April 9, 2008 at 5:34 AM  

CRAZY. The world can now go on.

Laura Lu April 16, 2008 at 1:22 PM  

Well, Well...look who's gettin' excited about a reunion tour!!!!

Now if only it was the OakRidge Boys live, or maybe Alabama playin' some Mountain Music, or John Denver takin' me home on some old country roads...well, then RockStar I might be able to get giddy. But STP...not gonna do it!

Zombie May 7, 2008 at 12:21 PM  

Maybe they will burn the wicked garden back down, it is overgrown.

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