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>> Friday, November 16, 2007

Have any of you ever gone into a church, maybe you were visiting from out of town, on vacation, wanting to just try something new ... only to realize within 10 minutes or so that it definitely was not for you.

After moving to the pizzle as we affectionately call PSL AKA Port Saint Lucie ... we had one of those exciting experiences. The pastor has since been charged with I believe embezzlement of funds to support his "blessings" ... I believe a hummer was one of the things his god (note tiny "g") blessed him mightly with.

Anyways ... he spots us during the new visitor role call and basically sees my 6 kids (at the time) and says something to the effect of "God must really bless you financially" while we are standing up and on some obscure TV channel as well. I mumbled something like "we get by", sat down and was consumed the rest of the service, not by the Holy Spirit, but by what a jack-a this particular pastor was.

If only I had known before I got in my car that morning. If only there was a sign. Then it dawned on me ... there was a sign, and it looked a little something like this:

Disclaimer: The events depicted above are true. The sign, however, is complete silliness. No actual donkeys were harmed in the writing of this blog post.

4 Groupies:

Laura Lu November 16, 2007 at 12:33 PM  

SAVE THE DONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SAVE THE DONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SAVE THE DONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous November 16, 2007 at 1:18 PM  

You know that Guy continued to mock us well into the service lest you forget. He said something like "Are you guys CRAZY?" and "You know how that happens right???" Heeeeeeeee Haaaawwwwww

Danisha November 26, 2007 at 5:55 AM  

I am sure that you guys have heard all the comments. Just like when Craig is dressed up as a clown, someone always says........"Hey, stop clowning around"

Sometimes I can't stop myself and reply, "Wow that was original, never heard that before."

But I do have to admit that I do think the both of you are crazy!!!! LOL But Brian is crazier!


The RockStar November 30, 2007 at 12:22 PM  

Danisha ..

Thanks .... I think :-)

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